Playing with cousin Makenlee
Reid's Stats:
Weight 13lbs 11oz
Head 17 inches
Height 25 1/2 inches
Things Reid has been doing:
1. Reid has been rolling over especially in his bed, we are trying to learn how to roll back so he doesn't get upset that he is stuck
2. Reid is ready to be on the move. He likes to get on his hands and knees and scouch all over the floor. Mom is not ready for Reid to crawl but she is thinking it is coming soon
4. Reid's 2nd cousin Jacob Wesley was born. Yeah there is finally another boy I can play with! My mommy and I were at the hospital all day, and my mom says i was a perfect baby. Oh another note, Jacob was born in room 12 at Baylor just like Reid!
5. Reid loves making sounds with his makes my mommy smile
6. Some people think Reid's eyebrows are stuck in the raised position. He is constantly taking the world around him in and his big blue eyes are open wide all the time.
7. One of my favorite things to do is watch my mommy cook in the kitchen
8. Reid began to eat cereal towards the end of the month and actually really likes it.
9. Reid had to go to see Dr. Towns because he has a cold (upper respiratory infection) He has not been feeling good and his mommy had many sleepless nights.
10. Reid spent many days with some of his favorite babysitters while his mommy went to work at the Dallas Market. He even spent a day with his cousin Kennedy and she is now ready for her little sister to arrive. (Kennedy is a big helper)
11. He is grabbing toys, necklaces, hair, and reaching out to touch your face. Mommy now wears her hair in a pony tale and forgets accessories as they just become a hassle.
12. Reid also has been watching the dogs, Lexi is calm and lets him play on her, but she likes to give him lots of kisses too.
13. He can now put his paci in his mouth by takes a lot of work on his part but it is fun to watch.
14. "The Wheels on the Bus" is one of his favorite songs and he loves to act out the motions.
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