3 months old stats
weight about 12 pounds +
Head 16 inches
Height 24 1/4 inches
Things that have been going on with me this past month:
1. I am learning about everything around me and love to watch and look at pretty much anything.
2. I like to be held with my back towards my mommy and daddy so I can see everything
3. My favorite things to focus on are bright contrasting colors, I love the Zebra curtains in my Sunday School class!
4. I have discovered my hands and feet and they can keep me entertained for awhile until I get bored.
5. Toys are kinda cool and I love to be active and stare while drooling in amazement.
6. If you have been around me you might think my eyebrows are stuck, because they are constantly raised while I study my little world
7. I sleep through the night, but still wake up around 5am to talk and then I go back to sleep until 7:30am
8. I had my first sleep over with Aunt Janna when my parents went to watch the Rangers win the ALCS, it was fun but I was glad to see my mommy
9. Bath time is one of my favorite times of the day
10. Singing by my mommy and daddy is one of my favorite entertainments