Friday, May 27, 2011

9 Months Old

Lets do some push ups everybody!

Reids stats:
Height: 29 1/4"
Head: 17 3/4"
Weight: 19 pounds 7 1/2 oz.

1. Reid loves to be tickled or mommy loves it because it makes him giggle. He is definately ticklish like his daddy.
2. The day before Mother's Day Reid said his first word "Momma" Daddy could not top that was awesome.
3. Reid loves everything that spins. One day he was in the bathroom and when I went in to get him all the toliet paper was spun off the roll. I am glad it wasn't a full one!!!
4. Reid has three teeth and one top tooth is about to break through any day.
5. We have started to feed him finger foods. Some of his favorites are steamed carrots, waffles, cantelope, grapes, green beans, biscuits, and banana. He still eats his pureed food too.
6. Reid is very close to taking his first step. He stands by himself for about 30 seconds. He is walking around the house while pushing or holding onto anything.
7. Reid is taking 2 naps a day and has recently decided to be an early riser like his mommy. (6:45am has become the new normal)
8. Reid loves to be chased when he is crawling. He will crawl a little bit then stop and see if your there to get him...he then starts to laugh and crawl some more.
9. Reid likes to sit like a big boy in the shopping cart and get groceries at Wal-Mart
10. Every night I sing, "I love you, you love me, we are a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, sweet dreams my little baby" The best part of the song is when he giggles at the kisses right before I lay him down. I can ask for a better ending to the day!

The great crawling chase to get his PJ's on. A memory that will always make us laugh!
Walking with my walker from Bentley and London
I getting ready Aggies..not sure if I will play basketball or football?

Reid gets his musical talent from his daddy
Look Makenlee I can walk too, let me show ya!
Cute diaper booty!