Monday, September 27, 2010

Reid is One Month Old

Some things that have happened this month:
1. At two weeks we went to the doctor and he was 8lbs 5 oz and grew and inch 21 3/4. He is a good eater and has continued to grow and fill out.
2. Many people continue to think he looks like me, he definitely has my nose and ears.
3. He is sporting the Papa hair cut look, especially in the back were it is kinda long.
4. Took newborn photos at Marie Q in Waxahachie...don't know how I am going to pick the prints they are all so adorable.
5. Loves to watch football and wear his Aggie clothes with his daddy.
6. Has peed and pooped on mommy several times. I now recommend if you have a little boy at least 3 changing pad covers and several cloth diapers to grab really quickly.
7. At the end of the month he has adjusted to his schedule and is only waking mommy up one time in the middle of the night. What a blessing it is when he goes right back to sleep too!
8. Figured out that he likes to be cuddled real close and his paci is very comforting. He will often cry if the paci falls out of his mouth, he does not know how to get it back in...mommy and daddy are constantly coming to the rescue.
9. Wrigley and Lexi are getting used to him, Lexi has taken on her motherly nature...Wrigley is wondering why we do not play with him as much.
10. He is a true boy with lots of burps, grunts, and red faces especially when trying to go potty.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reid has Arrived

Wow, I can not believe that my little boy is already 2 weeks old. It seems like just the other day that I went into the hospital filled with excitement that it was Reid's birthday. August 27th was a wonderful day that started with my water breaking around 6am. I then took my time to take a shower while Kasey was frantically gathering things up around the house. I then told him that we needed to take the dogs to my parent's house and he also needed to take me to Panara Bread to get a large breakfast. I knew that my breakfast would be the last meal I would have for hours. Kasey wanted to go straight to the hospital, but he was patient and willingly gave into all my requests. I arrived and checked into Baylor Hospital at around 9 o'clock and was assured that my water did break and I was going to be put on Pitocin to get my contractions started. Well, my body liked the Pitocin and it did not take long for the pain of child birth to kick in. I tolerated contractions for about an hour and then decided it was time for the epidural. All I have to say is that I enjoyed getting the epidural, and it was soothing compared to the contractions. I then laid stiff legged in bed for about 4 hours until the nurse came in a said she could not believe that I was already ready to have my little boy. It was a quick delivery and I only pushed for about 30 minutes. I know I am truly blessed to have checked in by 9am and had my little guy at 5:06pm. The day was amazing and I did not have any desire to sleep that night, I was totally in love. Reid is a great baby and has settled into a 3 hour feeding routine. We get up a couple of times in the night to eat, but then it is right back to bed. Being a mommy is fabulous, and I cherish every moment because I know he is going to grow up so quickly.